We hope the following FAQs are helpful, however, please feel free to contact us if you don’t find the answer to your question here.

The XCC is for men ages 18 and up. Our oldest participant to date is 76 years old. The XCC is not a retreat. There are no bunk beds or hot showers. Make sure you can jog for half an hour without passing out, do 30 push ups and 30 sit ups (within 30 minutes), and walk up the stairs carrying 18 extra kilos without panting. These are the minimum requirements.

We have a very specific pack list for you to follow. You are allowed to bring ONLY what is on the list. We encourage men to borrow or share equipment.


We try to take your diet into account as far as possible. Please indicate this when you register and we will contact you. If you haven’t heard from us 1 week before the weekend, please contact us.

We would love to take you into account, but please communicate with this on time.

We take medical allergies into account, not fancy diets. 🙂

We can be very brief about that: NO. You won’t need this either.

The cost is $450 per person but look out for our early bird pricing which offers significant discounts. This includes everything needed for the XCC, excluding the items on your pack list. Travel to/from the event location is not included.


During the registration process you can fill out the Group Name section with the name of your group and we will place you together on a team. We form teams based on Group Name first, then based on where men live. If your group is less than eight, we will combine groups to make a complete team.

If you are not part of a group we will assign you a team.

You will hear from us at the very last minute. Try to carpool as much as possible!

Unfortunately, no, you can’t.

We consciously want to set aside time from technology during the weekend. A mobile phone or other electronic devices divert attention from what we want to do.

If the home front needs you for an emergency, they can contact the 4M leader responsible for the weekend (you will receive his mobile number just before the weekend).

No – not at all. Everyone is welcome to register to join us.

We are always keen to bring previous participants on board as crew. There are many roles that we can use your talents and experience, including event crew, planning for events, administration, and marketing. Please use the contact page to reach out.