4MAUS: adventurous faith that transforms lives

Inspiring men’s and women’s hearts through adventure, faith, camaraderie, and integrity.

about the 4m movement

4M, which stands for ‘the fourth musketeer’, is an international movement active in 16 countries, with its beginings in the Netherlands in 2008. It started with men who were determined to do whatever it took to live the life they were called to and to challenge other men to do the same. Henk Stoorvogel, the founder of 4M, invited his best friends to a dinner party, and the vision of the Xtreme Character Challenge, XCC, bringing great physical challenge, mental exhaustion, and life-changing inspiration, was born. 

Meanwhile, women were also expressing a need for a similar adventure close to nature, which would inspire them to experience and understand womanhood, encouraging growth and transformation, but which was different from a conference or an afternoon spent with girlfriends. Encouraged by the success of the XCC, Arise, a wilderness challenge for women, supported by the leaders of 4M but organised independently, was created.

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Arise is a two day/two-night life-changing experience that challenges and shows what is deep in your soul. The weekend starts on a Friday night and ends on the following Sunday afternoon.

XCC is an adventure for men like no other. This is not an expedition for quitters: come determined to press on and be ready to challenge yourself.

4MAUS is uniquely designed to take you out of your comfort zone and to create an environment of inspiration and challenge. We are passionate about adventurous faith that transforms lives and want men and women everywhere to throw all they have into mind, body, and soul adventures that will impact them and their world forever. So if you want to experience an adventure that gives new insights into your life and your relationship with God, then sign up for XCC or Arise today.